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A Division of APR Group, Inc

Cancellation for Travel Services Not Provided



If APR GROUP, INC. or Cuba Travel Adventures Group should cancel travel services or the transportation and does not provide the agreed services to a traveler, if the passenger is not at fault and has not canceled in violation of our terms & conditions, all sums the traveler has paid to us for travel services that we did not provide will be promptly paid to the traveler unless traveler advises us in writing after cancellation.  This provision does not apply where we have remitted payments to a separate and distinct travel wholesaler, including carrier and have not obtained a refund in cases where the separate wholesaler defaults in providing the agreed-upon transportation or services. In  this situation we must provide traveler with a written statement and bank records showing disbursement of payment to the defaulting party, and if disbursed to a wholesaler provider proof that the provider is currently registered at the time of our payment.



Participation in Travel Consumer  Restitution  Fund (TCRF)



If APR GROUP, INC. or Cuba Travel Adventures Group completes the sale of travel services within California the transaction is covered by the TCRF. Travelers purchasing from outside California are not covered by the TCRF. If in California at the time of sale, eligible travelers may file a claim with TCRF if the traveler is owed a refund of more than $50 for  transportation or travel  services which we failed to forward to a proper provider or such money was not refunded to our traveler when required.  The maximum amount which may be paid by TCRF to any one passenger is the total paid to ourselves, not to exceed $15,000.  A claim must be submitted to TCRF within 12 months after scheduled travel completion date.  A claim must include sufficient documentation to prove the traveler's claim and a $35 processing free.  Claimants must agree to waiver their right to other civil remedies against a registered participating seller of travel for matters arising out of the sale for which a  TCRF claim has been filed.  Travelers may request a claim form by writing to:  TCRF Corporation, P>O. Box 6001, Larkspur,  CA 94977-6001, or by visiting TCRC's website at:



Protection of Travelers' Money



California law requires certain sellers of travel to have a trust account or bond. This business has a trust account.




Cuba Travel Adventures Group, a division of APR Group, Inc.|1550-G Tiburon Blvd. #345, Tiburon, CA 94920|(415) 789-9398|

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CTAG tours have been licensed per U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) License No. CT-2013-304351-1 and are conducted pursuant  to the general license by an American company per OFAC regulations described in CFR § 515.574 and CFR § 515.575.  

APR Group, Inc. is a registered Seller of Travel (S.O.T.) with the Office of Attorney General, Department of Justice of the State of California pursuant to Reg. #CST#2122898-40

©️ 2025 by APR Group, Inc. dba Cuba Travel Adventures Group

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